In the interactive dark ride, guests are invited in a training facility of Men in. After the ride, ask a staffer if you can tour the “Immigration Room,” an area most guests don’t visit. Men in Black: Alien Attack is based on the Men in Black-film franchise. Tip: Look for “Steven Spielberg” sitting on a bench with a newspaper. Locker use for small items is mandatory, but free. Each car’s point score is displayed on the dashboard, and the number accumulated by the end determines the climactic video you’re shown-Will Smith will either praise you as “Galaxy Defender” or mock you as “Bug Bait.” Strategy: The single riders’ queue moves quickly thanks to the odd number of seats in each row. If they peg you first, your buggy goes spinning. As you pass from room to room-expect lots of herky-jerky motions, but nothing sickening-your task is to fire upon any alien that pops out from around doorways, behind trash cans, and so on. You board six-person cars equipped with individual laser guns. After a superlative queue area that does a pitch-perfect, Jetsons-style imitation of New York’s 1964 World’s Fair (ironically, the one Walt Disney created so many wonders for), you discover the “real” tenant of the futuristic building: a training course for the Men in Black alien patrol corps.